Mutombo Kitenge

Mutombo Kitenge

Top Centre Properties Group


Mutombo Kitenge is an Architect that has a passion in design and construction. Mutombo founded Top Centre Ptoperties Group which currently operates in South Africa and Botswana. Mutombo Design aims to express the idea of a modern African Architecture where Nature, culture and buildings are an expression of a family daily living.

2024 Rankings

Mutombo is not an active nominee for the 2024 season.

Ranking History

2023 #160


Mutombo has no verified performances yet.

Mutombo Kitenge is not an active nominee for the 2024 season.

Mutombo Kitenge is not an active nominee for the 2024 season.

Mutombo Kitenge is not an active nominee for the 2024 season.


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