Zamfir Dumitru

Zamfir Dumitru

MonsterScope Studios


Zamfir is the CEO of MonsterScope Studios - A technology and video game development company with a team of 10 people. He started the company at 22 years old and has successfully managed to grow it into a sustainable profitable business in the ultra competitive landscape of video games. The secret to his success is to focus and listen to the users and to provide them the best possible experience. This is an area he noticed is very neglected by most if not all other gaming companies. Zamfir has big ambitions for his company and intends to grow it into a worldwide technology giant.

2024 Rankings

Zamfir is not an active nominee for the 2024 season.

Ranking History

2023 #384
2021 #231


Zamfir has no verified performances yet.

Zamfir Dumitru is not an active nominee for the 2024 season.

Zamfir Dumitru is not an active nominee for the 2024 season.

Zamfir Dumitru is not an active nominee for the 2024 season.


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