Johnie Jenkins

Johnie Jenkins

Gideonfly Entertainment LLC


Johnie C. Jenkins, Jr., is an American recording artist, songwriter, film producer, actor, comedian, author, entrepreneur/business man, and activist; the Founder/ CEO and Managing Director of Gideonfly Entertainment LLC located in Los Angeles, California. Jenkins established Gideonfly Ent LLC (GFE) on July 11, 2017. The entertainment tech company was recognized by the Department of Labor and now current Vice President Kamala Harris, as a company committed to hiring veterans. JenKins is creating a path for those who needed the most; Unemployed, and Veteran, Minorities, Women, LGBTQ entrepreneurs; he wants to put them with the CEO’s pledging Diversity and Procurement opportunities .

2024 Rankings

Johnie is not an active nominee for the 2024 season.

Ranking History

2023 #84


Johnie has no verified performances yet.

Johnie Jenkins is not an active nominee for the 2024 season.

Johnie Jenkins is not an active nominee for the 2024 season.

Johnie Jenkins is not an active nominee for the 2024 season.

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