Allen Bailochan Tuladhar

Allen Bailochan Tuladhar

Unlimited Remit


Allen has been a serial entrepreneur running a software development company for over 30 years, having developed Nepali version of Windows, spellchecker and Nepali version of Office for Microsoft. Currently is running Imperial Savings & Credit Cooperative Ltd (cooperative bank); e-dheba iPay Pvt Ltd (digital wallet as a licensed Payment Service Provider); Lalit Money Transfer (a licensed remittance company) in Nepal. Beyond that he also has entities in US, Singapore, UK and Qatar for the remittance business of

2024 Rankings

Allen Bailochan is not an active nominee for the 2024 season.

Ranking History

2023 #302


Allen Bailochan has no verified performances yet.

Allen Bailochan Tuladhar is not an active nominee for the 2024 season.

Allen Bailochan Tuladhar is not an active nominee for the 2024 season.

Allen Bailochan Tuladhar is not an active nominee for the 2024 season.


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