Ahmed Alenazi

Ahmed Alenazi

stc pay


Ahmed Alenazi is stc pay CEO and founder with more than 16 years of experience in the financial industry. He was formerly the Vice President of Business of stc pay, and also served as General Manager for Enjaz Division at Bank Albilad. Ahmed holds an MBA in Finance from University of Delaware in Newark, DE, USA, a certified Data Scientist, R Language and Project Finance Specialist.

2024 Rankings

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Season Rank Move Points
2024 #48 1 65
Title to be awarded: 2024 World CEO of the Year
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Season Rank Move Points
2024 #2 - 65
Title to be awarded: 2024 Saudi Arabia CEO of the Year
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Season Rank Move Points
2024 #2 - 65
Title to be awarded: 2024 Riyadh CEO of the Year

Ranking History

2023 #429
2021 #289


Ahmed has no verified performances yet.


To vote for Ahmed, Text or WhatsApp 1085 to +1 240 240 7220.

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Season: 2024
Rank Nominee Votes
47 Lalit Bansal 65
48 Ahmed Alenazi 65
49 Guy Elitzur 64
Rank Nominee Votes
1 Ahmed Rezk 72
2 Ahmed Alenazi 65
3 Ahmed Alsaad 62
Rank Nominee Votes
1 Ahmed Rezk 72
2 Ahmed Alenazi 65
3 Ahmed Alsaad 62
Last 50
Time Country Phone number
2 week Saudi Arabia ***5426
2 week Saudi Arabia ***4173
4 week Saudi Arabia ***3400
4 week Saudi Arabia ***9240
2 month Saudi Arabia ***3797
2 month Saudi Arabia ***9772
2 month Saudi Arabia ***7382
2 month Saudi Arabia ***8355
2 month Saudi Arabia ***4415
2 month Saudi Arabia ***9353
2 month Saudi Arabia ***7727
2 month Saudi Arabia ***2659
3 month Saudi Arabia ***5389
3 month Saudi Arabia ***1139
3 month Saudi Arabia ***1535
3 month Saudi Arabia ***2968
3 month Saudi Arabia ***7319
3 month Saudi Arabia ***3547
3 month Saudi Arabia ***7022
3 month Saudi Arabia ***7551
3 month Saudi Arabia ***1600
4 month Saudi Arabia ***6157

The charts above show how the rank of this nominee changed in the last six months on all levels (titles) it applied for. The dark green indicates the highest rank reached each month, while the light green indicates the lowest.


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