Senida Kiehl

Senida Kiehl

Excellence in Expat Education


Senida Kiehl is an educational consultant with more than 20 years of international experience which has taken her to many parts of Europe, Africa and Asia, particularly the Middle East. Her expertise in education and leadership, particularly women’s leadership, has led her to be invited to prestigious conferences. Senida is the founder of Excellence in Expat Education (EEE), an international company dedicated to make the process of selecting schools for expat children easier by sharing their reports and helping parents to choose the best-fit educational options in each country. She has an MA in Educational Leadership and a BA in English and Education.

2024 Rankings

Senida is not an active nominee for the 2024 season.

Ranking History

2023 #337


Senida has no verified performances yet.

Senida Kiehl is not an active nominee for the 2024 season.

Senida Kiehl is not an active nominee for the 2024 season.

Senida Kiehl is not an active nominee for the 2024 season.


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